Best Me Motivation Month - Week 1

If you've read my previous post about Balance Festival, you'll know I'm a bit of a fan girl of The Girl Gains which consists of three bloggers/influencers - Tally, Zanna and Vic. So I was super excited to see that Tally Rye was releasing a month long motivation/ workout guide for free, along with a Facebook group to post in to help encourage everyone.

The purpose of this month was not to lose weight, change shape or anything - it was to get some motivation in the exercise department! Due to my dodge ankle over the last few months the amount of exercise has slowly dwindled to zero - not necessarily through a lack of wanting to exercise, but being "prevented" by this injury!

Of course what this actually means is that I can't run, do circuits or parkour (i.e. all my normal stuff) and apparently cycling is out too, but of course these are not the only types of exercise! What I haven't been doing is actively looking for things I can do, rather than focusing on what I can't. So this "guide" (not quite sure how to refer to it as it's more than just a workout guide), has giving me the kick up the rear end I needed!

Each week of the guide consists of a cardio workout, a sculpt and sweat workout and a "challenge" - so I will be doing a weekly blog post of how I got on during the week! 


I assumed the cardio workout would be high impact, jumping, running type exercises (and so not suitable for me) but it wasn't at all and so was perfect! Yes I had to opt for a couple of lower options to remove the impact, but the YouTube video Tally had posted gave alternatives, which was brilliant. And even doing to lower options, I worked my butt off which saw me lying on the floor at the end in a sweaty mess - much to my dogs entertainment! 

The "challenge" was to try a new class. I decided to opt for swimming - not technically a class but wanted to try it to see if my ankle didn't dislike it as much as I dislike swimming! This was something I've been considering doing but just haven't got round to going, so this challenge was perfect! Verdict was that I still find swimming boring as hell BUT the achey feeling the next day was quite a novelty! 

The other workout was "sculpt and sweat" and boy did I sweat! I did have to modify a couple of exercises but on the whole I could stick to it (oh and I also didn't have a kettle bell so had to make do with a dumbbell!) The weights I used were probably slightly too light but a) they were the only ones I had; and b) I'm in that whole "I haven't worked out in ages and so must have lost all my strength" mode! But actually I think I'm stronger than I think but definitely weaker than I use (pretty sure that makes no sense!)

I'm really enjoying getting a bit of exercise back in my life! I also appreciate the structure of the guide as although I'm sure I know a hundred different exercises, I am rubbish at working out at home as I have a mental block on a session plan! 

And the other good news is that my ankle is feeling ok despite the exercise! It's defintely not 100% so I need to be careful not to push it, but hopefully this is the start of getting back to normal! 

Looking forward to week 2!
